Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. History

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
On January 13, 1913, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was founded at Howard University by 22 Black, collegiate women seeking to promote academic excellence and provide assistance to those in need. As such, these visionary women created a dynamic membership organization dedicated to the ideals of scholarship, sisterhood, and service, and addressing prevailing social issues. Today, this sisterhood comprised largely of Black college-educated women stands at more than 300,000 representing over 1,000 chapters nationally and internationally with a focus on issues that primarily challenge the Black community. Working to establish programs in local communities worldwide, the Sorority embraces five dominant areas: economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, physical and mental health, and political awareness and involvement.
Mission Statement
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college-educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community.
About Us
- PGCAC Small Business MarketplaceSat, Mar 15
- 2025 Prom Dress GiveawaySat, Mar 29
- March for Babies WalkSat, May 03